Université Abderrahmane Mira-Bejaia

University of Bejaia is a public institution of a Higher Education and Scientific Research of a multidisciplinary character. It is currently attended by more than 46000 students, 1663 lecturers and 1000 administrative, technical and support staff. It has 30 research laboratories and 143 training offers in the LMD system which 25 are professional.

The Industry/University partnership provides continuous onsite training for students, cooperative research projects and targeted training to the benefit of the employees of the University’s partners. The University of Bejaia organizes annually a Forum gathering the Industrial World with the University’s one, that is built as an opportunity to evaluate the Universities’ achievements and create new business and partnership directions. On the other hand, a lot of structures were created: Office of University-Industry Relationships, Centre for Support to Technology and Innovation, Entrepreneurship House, Cell of Quality Assurance… etc.

At the international scale, the willingness of the University of Bejaia concerning the openness to the world is translated nowadays by the signature of many cooperation agreements with universities from different countries (France, Italy, Russia, Span, Romania, Canada, Tunisia, Morocco, China, Portugal, Austria, etc). University of Bejaia has participated into many European programs: 07 Erasmus Mundus and 07 Tempus. In this framework, several mobilities were realized with many European Countries (France, Italy, Span, Poland, Portugal, Croatia …) and several bilateral research projects were also approved, particularly with France, Span, Italy, South Africa, Canada and Tunisia. University of Bejaia has also been strengthened by its adherence to several networks (Agency of Universities of the French-speaking countries), Universities of Mediterranean, Sustainable Development and Social Links), Associations of African Universities, Network of Euro-Maghreb Universities and Tethys.

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