
University of Sousse

The University of Sousse provides training for approximately 30745 students during the academic year 2015-2016. It is composed of 17 academic institutions providing a multidisciplinary range of academic and professionalized courses in fundamental sciences, technology, agronomy, medical, paramedical, legal, economy and management sciences, arts and crafts and humanities. The University of Sousse is one of the first Tunisian universities which have implemented the new educational system LMD (Bachelor, Master and doctorate) starting in 2006-2007. Furthermore, the University of Sousse is a partner in several European projects funded by the European Commission including 13 Tempus Projects and 3 Erasmus Mundus Projects (EMMAG, EUMETALIC and UnetbA). Indeed, several students have benefited from these funding scholarships mobility programs. The University of Sousse has signed 153 conventions of co-tutelage of theses, 51 international cooperation conventions and 44 international specific conventions and the number of these conventions is increasing more and more with the new Erasmus+ partnership programs. As a matter of fact, the University of Sousse is committed to participate in this project, which offers a good opportunity to promote cooperation with European academic institutions, to enable students to benefit from new innovative teaching methods and new deep technical and multi-cultural background.

The University of Sousse administration has a dynamic International and Cooperation department. It employs well trained and highly qualified resource personals with strong skills in the design, implementation, and management of European programs (Tempus –Erasmus Mundus – the 7th framework program. Furthermore, the University of Sousse includes technological and engineering schools dealing with mechanical, electrical, nanotech, civil engineering as well as agricultural engineering: National school of engineers ENISO, Institute of Computer Sciences and Communication Technology of Hammam Sousse ISITCOM, Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse ISSATS and Institute of Sciences and Technology of Hammam Sousse ESSTHS, Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Meriem ISA.

For a variety of reasons including geographical proximity, the University of Sousse has a wide range network of relations in the domains of training and research in Technology and Engineering such as joint master degree in related fields, CMCU programs. The University attempts to design an internationalization strategy based on mutually beneficial academic ties where faculty members and students are the key actors.

Moreover, the University of Sousse is committed to deliver and be up to its commitments and do its best to achieve the objectives of the various international projects. The University has the ability to build a very active network with the members of consortium of this project. Likewise, the academic technological and engineering schools belonging to the University of Sousse play inevitably play key role in the good dissemination and promotion, continuity and sustainability of the international project.
The University of Sousse has three institutions in management and economics, Entrepreneurship is a priority domain with the activities of the center of career and the transfer technology center.


